Talk Up Mental Health Awareness

why do you talk it up?

Words are incredibly powerful. They can heal, but they can also harm. I choose to use my voice to honor the lows in my life, but to mostly glorify the highs. By Talking it Up and sharing my story, I wish to become a Ray of Hope that guides any storm I encounter towards the Sunshine.


I talk it up to show my love and support for those who lost a loved one to suicide.


Choose happiness, Choose life, Choose you. That is what TU;MA taught me.


Mental health is so important, and I don't think people realize that. I believe that mental health is deserving of the same quality care we give to our physical and social wellness. I choose to advocate for mental health by starting and continuing the conversation.


Mindfulness is a powerful tool. It's good to be mindful that you are not alone and that every person in one way or another is experiencing something related to Mental Health. When we Talk it Up with others we allow ourselves to share our "special gem". You have a story to be told. YOU are important, your happiness is important, self-care is the best care and self-love is the best love. Let's Talk it Up!


I'm willing to - Talk it Up - because once I found the willingness and courage to share my story about my struggles with mental health and the obstacles I've had to face and endure, I realized that I'm not alone in this journey.

Those who are also undergoing their own personal difficulties and are still coming to terms with their mental health/illnesses can take comfort in the fact that they can open up with others and discuss the myriad of ways they can be helped.

It is this development of an open, designated community that will hopefully bring consolation to those who have still not found their voice in seeking resources and the right path to a healthier life. I know it has definitely helped me find mine.